Many customers believe that a salesperson is interested in only making a sale-doing whatever it takes to get their money, and that afterwards, never hears from them again. At Fink’s Jewelers, we are here to not only be sales professionals, but also to build relationships with our customers.

Recently I was invited to attend the wedding of my very good customers Heather and Sean. I met Sean in December 2005, when we began picking out gifts from our extensive David Yurman collection for Heather, his then girlfriend.
When other gift giving occasions arose, Sean would come back into Fink’s and together we would choose new and exciting pieces. Eventually the time came for Sean to propose to Heather. She had definite ideas of what she wanted her engagement ring to be, but we searched our wide selection of diamonds to pick out just the perfect ring for her, and in October 2007, Sean found “the ring” and proposed.
When they came in a few months later to select their wedding bands, I was very delighted to hear that they wanted to invite me to attend their wedding ceremony. I was honored that as their jewelry salesperson, they also thought of me as their friend.

It’s been very rewarding to learn that customers think of me as more than just the person that sells them jewelry. They think of me as a friend and that’s just another perk of working at Fink’s Jewelers.
Joey White has a B.A. in Business Management from North Carolina State University. He is a 14 year veteran of the jewelry industry and has been with Fink's Jewelers for the past 8 years.