Yellow gold! It is undeniable that trends filter down to different parts of the country at different times. After all, we see magazines coming from New York telling us the hottest jewelry right now is yellow gold and images of celebrities wearing yellow gold everywhere, but the average Jane in Middle America loves her white gold, platinum and silver pieces she wears every day.
But wait, just a few years ago weren’t we all supposed to be wearing white gold, platinum and the high-end high quality new and exciting silver brands according to the fashion powers that be? Are you outdated, unfashionable if you still wear the lighter hued metals? Do you have to update to yellow gold? What if you have your great-grandmother’s heirloom pieces from the first half of the 20th century? And you LOVE wearing them? It’s not like the green eye shadow that was the hot color of spring 2006, jewelry can be an investment (especially the matrimonial kind), and something many women build their jewelry wardrobes around!
Change is never easy, especially when the change being proposed is something as personal as jewelry, a keystone of your personal style. Are you expected to buy the hot, new trend every season? Of course not, unless you want to! But adding pieces throughout the year that you love and will wear for years to come never goes out of style! Bottom line, everything old is new again and will be 10, 15 and even 20 years from now too!