Charlottesville, VA
Fink’s Jewelers participates in many Pink Ribbon events throughout the year. Each employee involved volunteers their personal time and energy to make event a success. One such event is the Pink Ribbon Polo Cup ....
Over the past four years the Pink Ribbon Polo Cup has become a highly anticipated event in Charlottesville. This year’s event was held on June 14 at the King Family Vineyards in Crozet with Team Eagle versus Team Embarq in the main event. Proceeds from this event are divided equally between Martha Jefferson Hospital and the University of Virginia Health System Cancer Center for the fight against breast cancer. Organized by the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation the event is more than just a polo match.

Festivities began mid-morning with a tour by the Stage Junction Clydesdales; live music was provided by the Duke Merrick Band and a wine tasting was held by the Vineyards. The majority of attendees brought picnic lunches and set up either under the pink umbrellas or field side waiting anxiously for the traditional divot stomp. Karen Sherwin and Dianne Bain from Fink’s Jeweler’s Barracks Road location participated, coordinating a beautiful Roberto Coin Cheval Collection bracelet donation for the raffle. With breast cancer prevention, awareness and research being near and dear to the Fink’s family, we’re ecstatic to participate in such wonderful and worthwhile events.