Spring is upon us and summer is just around the corner and that means... time to start rolling out the Diamond Dashes! Maybe you particpated last year in the Roanoke or Richmond Diamond Dash, or maybe you're new to the idea and would love to know what all the fuss is about. Either way, you've come to the right place, because I'm going to explain what a Diamond Dash is, how you play, and what you can win!
First off, you should know that we'll be hosting Diamond Dashes in
Norfolk, Charlottesville, Greensboro, Charlotte, Fredericksburg, Roanoke, and
Richmond! Whew! That will give YOU plenty of chances to hone your skills with your partner, and compete to win this
$15,000 Ritani diamond ring!
Now that you know what's at stake, let me give you a little background info. A Diamond Dash is a text message based scavenger hunt. Couples are asked to go online and submit their love story telling us why they deserve the chance to win this gorgeous Ritani diamond ring! From these entries, the best couples will be chosen to compete in the scavenger hunt. Once you're chosen, you'll receive details about the kick off location and after party. At the after party, which happens immediately after the scavenger hunt, you'll get to refuel with some free food and water, and find out who won the most points, making them the winner! No matter what, every couple will walk away with a fabulous coupon book from Fink's and our sponsors, and a free t shirt. We hope to see you at one (or all!) of our Diamond Dashes!
For more info, visit
http://www.finks.com/ and click "locations" and "events".