She absolutely LOVED it! That thing is shining so bright. The brilliance and fire are amazing! You are correct, you did have the jeweler clean it VERY well.
Here is her story about the proposal from her...

So, after dinner he told me we were going to take pictures of a few other places that were memorable. We stopped by some places and took pictures real quick. The last one was the art museum across from his apartment. We parked near the museum and went up near the back where the fountain was to take the last picture of one of our fun memories. We went up to the fountain and he had two pennies. He said, 'Close your eyes and make a wish,' and said that he would do the same. We each wished that God would allow us to have a healthy, happy marriage and children. We walked further down to another area and he suggested we make another wish. I closed my eyes and made my wish, and when I opened them, he was on one knee with the ring in his hand asked me to marry him! Of course I said YES!! When we got back to his place, I open the apartment door and 30 of our friends and family yell SURPRISE! The evening was absolutely perfect.' "
Congratulations Anthony and Janaya!